The Best Upper Body Exercise For Swimmers!

Swimmers need high levels of upper body strength, power and explosive ability. That’s pretty clear by now. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of exercises online and Instagram that swimming coaches promote that are meant to be the next best thing to get swimmers faster and faster during gym work or land training.

Let us tell you something, 99.9999% is all a waste of your time.

If you do the basics and do them extremely well then you will see the best results of your life. So, what is the best upper body exercise? Well, in short, there isn’t a ‘best’ exercise, but we will give you the next best thing.

Pull Ups!

Every athlete in our programme either do Pull-Ups or is working towards them with regression exercises like a TRX or Ring Row. Pull Ups, or Chin Ups, are a truly fantastic way to gain upper body strength and power and if done correctly also help to teach lumbopelvic control, bracing, scapula movement, body position and awareness, and a host of other much-needed aspects that you can learn to transition into the water.

The argument of grip variations is largely rubbish, just do the grip that you find most comfortable. One isn’t better than the other. We have our athletes do Neutral Grip purely because this is a more forgiving position for the shoulders when overhead.

A demonstration of a Pull Up with palms facing the athlete. We have since switched to a Neutral Grip.

Some things to consider:

  1. Pick the grip that is best for you.

  2. Start the pull with arms straight.

  3. Create a ‘hollow’ body position, legs straight and in front of the body.

  4. Don’t lift your chin over the bar.

  5. Don’t slump or relax in the bottom position.